Verbos modales y otros conceptos

Should - aconsejar

-I have the flu.
-You should to the doctor.

-Tomorrow I have a exam.
-You should study.

Formas negativas: should not, shouldn't

You shouldn't get drunk.
You shouldn't be so rude!

Forma interrogativa
Tomorrow I have exam, should I study?
Should Stefan get married?

Recuerda que:
☺ + should + verb + comp
Hilda should play football

☺ + should + not+ verb + comp
I shouldn't fly today

should + ☺+ verb + comp + ?
Should I play the piano?
Should I eat the whole cake.

Jesús should clean the kitchen
Jesús shouldn't clean his notebooks in the washer
Should Jesús clean his socks?


Su pasado es could.

Could you please close the window?
I could help you
I couldn't help you.

May - permiso

May I go to the bathroom?
May + ☺+ verb + comp + ?

You may go the class is over
☺ + may + verb + comp
You may not stay here, go away!
☺ + may + not+ verb + comp

Might - posibilidad, no estar seguro de algo.

-They have a Ferrari.
-Mmm, they migth be rich.

-Daniel is crying.
-He migth be sad.

Migth be o maybe - Tal vez.

She migth not be rich.

Pasado simple - acción que ya ocurrió.
Did - para preguntar o para afirmar con seguridad.

Forma pasada de los verbos regulares e irregulares.
Terminación ed

cook - cooked
play - played
study - studied
like - liked
rest - rested

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